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335 weeks ago

The The Baytown Outlaws Full Movie In Hindi Free Download Hd > DOWNLOAD (Mirror #1)

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When three redneck brothers agree to help a woman save her godson from an abusive stepfather, they become targets on the run from an odd cast of characters.
After her ex-husband Carlos shoots Celeste three times in the gut, it's time to play dirty. In the fight for her godson, Rob, she hires three outlawed and redneck brothers to bring him back to her. But nothing can be that simple in the South. What begins as a small rescue mission rises to a southern battle royale. This odd team must shoot their way through gorgeous female assassins, Native American hunters, Federal agents, and a whole lot of metal coming after them, while protecting Celeste's innocent child.
I just stumbled across another guilty pleasure, that I truly enjoyed. Filmed in a &quot;B Movie&quot; genre style, this movie is a combination &#39;Mad Max&#39; meets &#39;The Warriors&#39; with plenty of blood, guts, and raw carnage to go around. Budgeted at only $4 Million dollars, Writer/Director Barry Battles does an excellent job of getting plenty of bang for his buck with his limited resources. This film was highly entertaining, brought depth to it characters, and was a totally unexpected pleasure to view.<br/><br/>The film centers around three unlikely heroes/anti-heroes, Brick, McQueen and Lincoln Oodie. Not the sharpest crayons in the box; however, after watching the film you will see that they mean well, and that these boys actually have hearts of gold. Orphaned at a relatively young age and forced to raise themselves; the Oodie brothers are vigilante guns for hire. Without giving too much away, let&#39;s just say that the Oodie brothers are paid to eliminate the seedy underbelly world of drugs, organized crime, and all things that are bad (and under the radar) in Montgomery, Alabama. Their world is turned underside down once they accept a job from Celeste (Eva Longoria) to kidnap her son, Rob (Thomas Brodie-Sangster) from her ex, Carlos (Billy Bob Thornton).<br/><br/>Once our trio of misfits successfully secured Rob in their possession, all hell breaks loose as Carlos puts out a contract on the Oodie brothers for Rob&#39;s returns. The gangs called upon to ensure Rob&#39;s return include a group of hooker biker chicks, a post apocalyptic road warrior crew, and a scalp hungry Indian clan complete with bow and arrows. It&#39;s pure unadulterated gratification as the body count and blood splatter action sequences are top notch and exceptionally executed, and totally unforeseen in a film with such a small budget. Clayne Crawford (Brick), Travis Fimmel (McQueen), and Daniel Cudmore (Lincoln) do an unbelievable job breathing life into their blood encrusted characters. Kudos to writer/director Barry Battles for successfully building characters that the audience actually cares about; character development in a film of this variety was definitely not expected, and absolutely great to see.<br/><br/>I highly recommend seeing this film; however, this is definitely not a film for everyone. Fans of the &#39;B Movie&#39; / blood splatter bullet blaring action genre will find true delight in this film. <br/><br/>See more of my reviews on FB @ &quot;The Faris Reel&quot;
If you are expecting some great action and a plausible story,you have come to the right place… The Oodie brothers didn&#39;t exactly get the best start in life,but they sure do try to make up for it. They make their way keeping things nice and tidy in their district and it all goes smoothly until they get in the news for leaving a mess. (I&#39;m trying hard not to give too much away.) They take this job,a private job. The child they go to rescue is special needs,and what really made an impression on me is how lovely they are to him…And that&#39;s why I wrote this,cos amidst all the crazy stuff that goes on,and how you might expect these boys to be,they treat the kid really well. I hope you enjoy it and I hope I haven&#39;t given too much away.
The tin-earned dialogue and haphazard plotting are more reminiscent of Tarantino's frequent collaborator Robert Rodriguez.

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