An aging rock star's wife is kidnapped while vacationing in Chile. The story follows Turk Henry (Antonio Banderas); a mega platinum rock star who's married to a supermodel (Olga Kurylenko) and rich beyond his wildest dreams. Whilst on holiday, his wife is mysteriously abducted by a group of renegade, ship-less pirates. With little assistance from local authorities Turk is forced to embark on a mission to rescue his wife. With life skills better suited to playing bass, playing the field, and partying he is forced to navigate through deadly jungles and take on ruthless bandits in this truly hilarious, action-packed romp. GUN SHY is an appallingly unfunny British comedy, shot in Chile with ageing action star Antonio Banderas. It was made by Simon West, who did a much better job of the same year's STRATTON. The film takes the form of an extremely broad comedy, with Banderas apparently channelling Johnny Depp by playing an ageing rock star called into action when his wife is kidnapped while on a trip to Chile. Olga Kurylenko co-stars, and really must be having a word with her agent for landing her in films like this. Banderas staggers and saunters his way through the film and occasionally sings, but none of it is funny, just cringe-worthy. There's no action here, just silly, over-the-top and mannered acting and waste of time plotting. I hated every minute of it. Very well done satire. Not everyone's cup of tea but a great black comedy treat for people like us who enjoy 'Wednesday Addams' humour - you actually care for every single character (even the bad ones). I could see people I personally know in my life as these caricatures.<br/><br/>I might buy this after renting it out for 24 hours as worth a rewatch. This original flick is way better than the mass-produced predictable point A to B trope plot we see these days - manages to makes fun of every political view and good economics lesson on how licensing rules stifle competition and hurt underprivileged folks (although that might be unintentional)!<br/><br/>Personally I found this bit better than Zoolander. Gun Shy is an action-comedy starring Antonio Banderas that is lacking only action, comedy and a performance by Antonio Banderas that is anything other than a complete embarrassment.
Chrraw replied
330 weeks ago